The sentence
A sentence is a group of word that makes complete sense and express a thought.
Every sentence has two parts the subject and predicate
The first part of a sentence usually name some person or thing it is called subject it describes the person or thing that performs and action.
The second part usually say something about that person or thing. it is called predicare. it describes about the action performed by the subject.
I play football
The sun shines
The little girl is playing
They gave him a book.
Subject = I, The sun, little girl, They.
Predicate= underlined part in the sentences.
Kinds of sentences
A sentences may be classified according to its purpose sentences have four purpose
1) to make a statement.
2) to ask a question
3) to command or request
4) to exclaim.
So there are four kinds of senten
1) declarative sentences
2) interrogative sentences
3) imperative sentences
4) exclamatory sentences
1) declarative sentences:- a statement that States or declares a statement is called a declarative sentences aur assertive sentences or it may simply be called a statement we put a full stop at the end of a declarative sentences or statement as :-
Shyam is a student.
We go to the school.
2) interrogative sentences:- a sentence that asked questions is called a interrogative sentences we put a question mark that is a mark of interrogation at the end of interrogativea sentence.
What is your name?
where do you live?
3) imperative sentences:- a sentence that gives an order command, advice or makes a request or wish is called an imperative sentences we put a full stop at the end of an empire metav sentences
come here (order)
please bring me a glass of water(request)
4) exclamatory sentence:- a sentence that expresses some strong or his sudden feeling or emotion is called an exclamatory sentences. we put a mark of exclamations(!) at the end of an exclamatory sentence
what a beautiful girl she is!
how hot the days is !