class 9 Sst ncert notes for ctet •democracy is a form of government in which the rulers are elected by the people. •The army rulers of Myanmar were not elected by the people. Dictators like Pinochet (Chile) are not elected by the people. This also applies to monarchies. The kings of Saudi Arabia rule not because the people have chosen them. •Democracy gives every man the right to be his own oppressor. Democracy consists of choosing your dictators after they’ve told you what you think it is you want to hear. Man’s capacity for justice makes democracy possible, but man’s inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary. Democracy is a device that insures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. All the ills of democracy can be cured by more democracy. •In Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf led a military coup in October 1999. He overthrew a democratically elected government and declared himself the ‘Chief Executive’ of the country. Later he changed his designation to Presi...
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