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Science chapter - Rocks and minerals full solved chapter for students

 Full solved chapter

Rocks and minerals


Magma- rocks are formed by the cooling and depositing of molten rock material called magma.

Metallic minerals- some minerals found in the rock contain metals and are called metallic minerals.

Ore- The metallic minerals from which metal can be profitably extracted are called ores

Word      meaning

Mantle   अच्छादान

Molten    पिघला हुआ

Sedimentary अवसादी

Metamorphic  रूपांतरित

Obsidian     लावा काँच

Pumice   कुहरन पत्थर

Igneous   आग्नेय

Conglomerate समूह

Limestone  चूना पत्थर

Gneiss  शैल

Fossil fuels जीवाश्म इंधन

Ore   अयस्क

One word

Ques-1 How many layers of Earth?

Ans- Three.

Ques-2 ___ is molten rock material.

Ans- Magma.

Ques-3 What is the other name of igneous rock.

Ans- Fire rock.

Ques-4 ____ is known as basalt rock.

Ans- Scoria rock.

Ques-5 Shale rock is used to make____ and ___.

Ans- Bricks, tiles.

Ques-6 Quartzite is the type of ______ rock.

Ans- Metamorphic 

Ques-7 Give one example of non- Metallic minerals.

Ans- Coal.

Ques-8 Which metal is extracted from bauxite ore.

Ans- Aluminium.

Very Short

Ques-1 Name the three layers of The Earth with proper diagram.

Ans-  The crust, the mantle and the core

Ques-2 What is a Rock?

Ans- A Rock is a lump or mass of hard consolidated mineral matter.

Ques-3 how does Pumice rocks form?

Ans- Pumice rocks are formed when the lava cools quickly above the ground.

Ques-4 How can we conserve natural resources?

Ans- we can take steps like carpool, using public transport and maintaining the vehicles in good condition so that they use less fuel.


Ques-1 Where is the coal mine situated and what is the use of coal? 

Ans- coal mines are situated in Sohagpur (Madhya Pradesh )Dhanbad( Jharkhand) Raniganj( West Bengal) and Singaneri (Andhra Pradesh)

 coal is used-

  1. As a fuel

  2. To run steam engine

  3. To blast furnaces ,used in steel plants

  4. In thermal power plants to generate electricity

Ques-2 write a short note on petroleum.

Ans- crude oil is formed from organisms that live in water and got buried  in layers of sediments millions of years ago. The dead remains of these living things got buried in layers and gradually changed into thick dark oil called petroleum

Ques-3 Name some ores and the metals to be extracted from them.













Ques-1 write a brief note on the groups of rocks.

Ans- rocks are divided into three groups

  1. Igneous rock

  2. Sedimentary

  3. Metamorphic rock

  1. Igneous rock- igneous rock are one of the oldest rock on the Earth. these rocks are formed by the cooling and depositing of molten Rock material called magma the magma lies in the core of the earth and is pushed upward by the pressure of other rocks.

Ex- granite rocks ,scoria rocks ,pumice rocks and obsidian rocks

  1. Sedimentary rocks- rain wind rivers and flowing water carry out erosions of Rock on mountains these Rock pieces are carried by water to the seas and the ocean on the land and deposited in the layer. Repeated depositions presses down the lower layer and hardened them into rock

        Ex- sandstone rocks ,limestone rocks , shale Rock       gypsum rock.

  1. Metamorphic rock - these rocks are formed by the transformation of existing Rock under heat and pressure into a new rock with the different chemical composition they are mostly formed below the earth's crust.

ex - marble, slate ,quartzite and gneiss.

Ques-2 complete the following table.


Used for


Making buildings, statue


Body scrubber, polish the floor


Bricks and glass


Construction work


Bricks and tiles


Plaster of paris ,moulds


Making building, statue


Blackboards, slates and roof


Ornament stone in buildings


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